
May 7, 2015

Army + Camo

Happy Thursday, Dear! Today I opted for a comfy outfit, because my Little Man had surgery to install ear tubes. What a relief to know that is over. He was getting chronic ear infections for about two years. After two trips to the ENT, he finally got the green light to have them put in. I was shocked at how quickly everything went. A 10 minute procedure, 10 minutes for anesthesia to wear off, and 2 cans of apple juice later, we were on our way home. I am so proud of my little man for being so brave! The nurse said he walked into the operating room like he owned the place and said, "don't worry, I'll be ok". I love that kid and his self confidence.  Hope everyone enjoys Scandal tonight!


Outfit Details

Camo Shirt.  Distressed Boyfriend Jeans. Leopard Flats. Black Sunnies, Francesca's in store only. Similar, here and here. Clear Bracelet. Black Bracelet. Studs.



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