
Apr 27, 2015

Monday Motivation: White Boyfriend Shorts + Stripes + Denim Vest

Oh Monday, you have come again.  I always move a bit slower on Monday, but am also (almost) always excited to start a new week.  One of the best ways to motivate myself, is with a cute outfit.   After a cold, rainy and windy weekend spent indoors, I am ready to enjoy some warmth and sun outdoors. My little man and I will be hittin' up one of his favorite places this morning, Trader Joe's.  He loves finding the Seahorse, telling the cashier, and being awarded a lollipop. It will most likely be the highlight of our day. Anyone else out there have kids that love Trader Joe's? Hope everyone starts their week off right. Enjoy!

Outfit Details
Striped Tank, sold out, similar, here. Denim Vest. White Boyfriend Shorts.  Jeweled Sandals. Bracelets, in store only, not sold on-line. Heart Sunnies. Studs, old, similar here.



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