
Jan 22, 2016

Thank You Notes

We've been getting into a good rhythm around here lately. One of my favorite times of the day is when I put both boys down for naps at the same time. I put on old episodes of Friday Night Lights, bust out the Skinny Pop, and have some me time.  I also try to get one chore done. Today, the chore of the day was to write thank you notes, to all of the amazing people who have brought meals over or sent presents for the boys.  We have so many generous and thoughtful people in our life. We are truly blessed. I wanted to create something unique, but simple.  I hopped on Photoshop and created the card above. Love this picture of my sweet boys. 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Ours will be filled with a date day, birthday parties and hopefully some rest.



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