
Apr 22, 2015

Whites + Creams + A Special Delivery

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.  It was my birthday weekend, and was very busy with out of town guests. I also found the sweetest birthday surprise, from my Hubby and and Mother In Law, on my doorstep. This Little Guy:

Meet my new puppy, Ace. He has kept me very busy, but have been loving every minute of it. Having a new puppy is like having a combination of a newborn who wakes up in the middle of the night to pee and toddler who is just learning how to walk. We are all getting used to our newest addition and all of the love and mischief that comes along with it.

Outfit Details

White Jeans. Lace Off The Should Top. Flip Flops. Earrings, old. Similar, here. Lipstick. Sunnies.


Hope you are all having a good Tuesday! Enjoy!


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