
Apr 26, 2015

Sunday Best: Floral Heels + White Jeans + Cobalt Blue

Happy Sunday, Fun-Day! Our Fun-Day starts off with Church. I'll be rocking my fun floral heels, crisp white jeans and bright cobalt blue tank. Other than that, we will be enjoying a relaxing day at home. My Hubby's cousin just had a baby. They'll be coming over, so we can love on her, soak up her sweet newborn scent. Hope you all have a nice relaxing day! Enjoy!


Outfit Details

Floral Heels. White Jeans. Cobalt Blue Top, old. Similar, here. Crystal Bracelet. Pink Bracelet. Studs, old. Similar, here.



1 comment :

  1. Thank you, Rimanere. I'd love to follow you. Thanks for the love!
