
Dec 31, 2015

The Best Gift of All

Soooo...I've been super MIA on here lately. 9 months to be exact. And this little guy is why. 

Hudson James, was born at 11:41am on Christmas morning, tipping the scales at 9lbs, 4oz and 20 in long. We tried two long years for this little guy. We ended up turning to IVF to conceive him due to no luck and a few complications. He is truly our miracle baby, and we found it very appropriate that he was born on Christmas Day. Between nausea, being perma-tired, and keeping up with my four year old- life was busy, and kept me away from all of you. Now that he's here, my goal is post more often. 😊 

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I sure did, as I received the best gift of all.

                     Cheers, Jamee

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