My baby is one month old!! This first month has flown by. I guess that is what happens when you are a busy mama juggling two kiddos and a household. My mom has been staying with us though, which has been such an amazing help. The laundry and cooking aren't going to do themselves!
Hudson is for the most part, a good baby. He definitely has his fussy times of the day: morning (7:30-9am) and Evening (6-8pm).
He is a strong little dude; he holds his head up pretty well when laying on my chest, he likes to stand when being held up and he turns half way over every now and again while laying on his stomach.
He LOVES being held. If he is awake, and he isn't crying, he is in someones arms. We have tried the Mamaroo, the swing, the NapNanny, the Fisher Price Little Lamb Chair....nothing is as good as someones warm cozy arms. He will lay on his tummy time mat on his back for a bit. He also LOVES the Ergobaby.
He sleeps in our room from 9pm-1am/2am and then again til about 5am/5:30am. We pray this continues. It is so nice to get a 4 or 5 hour stretch of sleep at night.
He is exclusively breast fed, and seems to be eating between 4-5 oz every three hours. He is such a noisy eater. He grunts and coos. It makes me chuckle. He sure does love to eat!
He likes the car, unless we aren't moving. He screams when we are sitting still at signal lights or the Starbucks drive-thru.
He loves to hate his paci. If he is crying really hard, he won't take it. If he's hungry and it's not time to eat, he will take it. It helps soothe him to sleep if he is having trouble. He has been putting his hands in his mouth a lot, and I'd rather have a paci lover than a thumb sucker, so i've been pushing the paci as much as I can. A paci is a lot easier to take away than a thumb.
I love this little (big) guy with all of my heart. He is such a blessing and is worth every sleepless moment.
Inspiration for this picture from